This reason, Why Wifi Signal Extremely Dangerous For Pregnant Women?

Just mushroomed schools, colleges, cafes offering free hotspot today. Wi-Fi would make Internet access easier and convenient, but many raised doubts about the security of invisible force that permeates everything around us. Since the introduction of Wi-Fi in 1997, the researchers have conducted dozens of studies to explore the subject. The result is clear and surprising - Wifi negatively affect overall health and brain health, especially in children.

Perhaps most surprising is that this information is not new or even controversial. In fact, in 2008, Scientific American ran a story titled "Mind Control by Cell Phone" that explain the dangers of Wi-Fi on the human brain.
People in China is currently being shocked by the findings of a study that says that the WiFi signal can be bad for the health of pregnant women. WiFi signal at this time there was almost total in all locations, even in smartphones that we use every day.

Although some people have mentioned electronic device signals were not so devastating on the condition of pregnant women and their babies, but in the United States began to emerge Wireless Project BabySafe movement, which claims WiFi signals and other electronic devices be bad for the health of pregnant women.

On the other hand there are also those who say that electronic radiation does not interfere with the pregnancy.

"The use of WiFi is safe for pregnancy, an effect not found anything, so we do not need to worry about it," said one of the technology companies from China, Xiaomi, quoted by BBC News.

Even the World Health Organization under the auspices of the United Nations, WHO, also said low power electronic signal radiation does not cause adverse effects such as miscarriage, premature birth and congenital disease to the mother and baby. Until now, WHO has not encountered such cases, the adverse effects of WiFi for pregnant women is a public concern due to the circulation of news hoax.

The truth is, the Wifi signal:
Damaging Early Childhood Development

Exposure to radio frequency radiation non-thermal of Wi-Fi and cellular phones can interfere with normal cell development, especially the development of the fetus. A 2004 study, animals exposed to experience delays in the development of the kidney. This finding is supported by a study in Austria in 2009. In fact, protein synthesis disorders are so severe that the authors specifically noted, "property of these cells is still in growing tissues, ie, in children and adolescents. As a result, this population group will be more vulnerable than the average effect described. "In short, Wi-Fi introduced at an early age, increases the risk of developmental problems.

Affects Cell Growth

When a group of ninth graders Denmark have difficulty concentrating after sleeping with a cell phone is placed near their heads, they conducted an experiment to test the effect of wireless Wi-Fi router in the garden cress. One set of plants put in the room free wireless radiation, other groups put beside the two routers are the same as the number of mobile phone radiation. The result? Radiation nearby plants do not grow.

Affects Brain Function

As well as the primary school in Denmark saw problems with concentration, scientists have begun to see the impact of radiation on brain function 4G. Using MRI technology, a study conducted last year found that people who were exposed to radiation 4G has some reduction in brain activity.

Reduces Brain Activity in Women

A group of 30 healthy volunteers, 15 men and 15 women, were given a simple memory test. First, all groups were tested without exposure to radiation Wi-Fi - no problem. Then, they were exposed to 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi wireless access point for about 45 minutes. During part of the test, brain activity was measured and women have noticeable changes in brain activity and energy levels.

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