Legal interest in the modern world is quite simple on the surface: "If you love someone and they like you, you end up in a relationship alias dating to find out whether it is suitable for the long term".
If successful, you will get married and live together forever. If not, you can meet other people who are more suitable and enjoyable.
But what if the love story is not as simple as that? Due to a number of scientists from various countries, analyzing the minutiae of the appeal of a relationship and find some things really interesting and surprising.
For example, men who have children turned out to look more sexy in the eyes of women. So what else is a person's attractiveness in the eyes of men and women? Here are some of them.
Female hip size determines the number of partners.
A professor from the University of Leeds, disclose potentially controversial hypothesis! According to him, large hipped women likely to have more sexual partners. This finding generated after the professor analyzed the size of the hip group of women from Leeds and combine it with information about the women's social activity. As a result, average hipped women tend to only have sex when they were in a relationship, is inversely proportional to the large hipped women on average have more sex partners.
Preferred handsome man childless women.
A biologist at the Trnava University, Slovakia reveal man with a handsome children tend to be more attractive to women. How can? It turned out way of looking at a person, even after the birth of a child, can affect perception.
This study asked 260 female volunteers to rate the attractiveness of a series of men were placed next to the face photo boy and called his son. As a result, men who take pictures with a handsome kid appeal is likely to increase. This suggests that women may have to adjust his assessment based on the genetic relationship between two individuals.
Women like men loving child.
According to a 2014 study in the Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment, Nicolas GUEGUEN, a professor of social and cognitive psychology at the University of South Brittany, found that on average women would like men to be loving in young children.
Women are more immediate when tempting.
A recent study found that only 18 percent of women know a man teasing them in a one-to-one. And man only knows one woman flirting with them 36 percent of the time. Jeffrey Hall, lead researcher and professor of communications at Kansas University, says that it may be because women are more transparent when it comes to showing interest in everyday situations.
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