First, when still single a few years ago, I never read the fatwa of a scholar disebuah Islamic magazine, named Shaikh Ali Hasan al-Halaby hafizhohulloh about oral sex law in the view of Islam, the thing I still remember is his answer. Mouth and tongue that is a place of worship in the form of dhikr, prayer, reading the Qur'an and ma'ruf nahi unjust. While the pubic is where the discharge of urine and filth like madzi. And should not be the place that issued good (mouth) mixed with issuing a bad place (pubic). The point he will answer the prohibition of oral sex.
Secondly, I get on the internet a few days ago that come from the magazine as well, fatwa from some other scholars who forbid oral sex compiled by Sheikh Al-Allama Ahmad bin Yahya An-Najmi Rahimahullah:
What is the ruling oral sex?
The answer:
1. Mufti of Saudi Arabia of the South, ash-Shaykh Al-Allama Ahmad bin Yahya An-Najmi hafizhahulläh replied as follows: "The wife's sucking on her genitals (oral sex), then it is haram, prohibited. Because he (pubic husband) can be divergent. If dispersed it will come out of it that he was unclean water madzy according to the agreement (ulama '). If (water madzy it) into the mouth and into the stomach then it would probably lead to her illness. And Shaykh Ibn Baz rahimahullah has berfatwa about illegitimate it-as I listen directly from beliau-. "
2. Muhaddits and Mujaddid this time, ash-Shaykh Al-Allama Muhammad Nasir Al-Albany rahimahullah replied: "It is the act most animals, such as dogs. And we have a common basis that in many hadith, Ar-Rasul prohibit tasyabbuh (resemble) the animals, such as the ban on his descent (prostration) like a camel downs, and looked like tolehan wolves, and pecking like a crow pecks. And has also understandable that the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam has forbidden to tasyabbuh with unbelievers, then taken also of the meaning of the ban banning tasyabbuh with animals -as amplifier that has ago-, especially animals that are known ugliness temperament. Then it should be a Muslim-and the situation is like this- feel high to resemble the animals. "
3. One of the great scholars of the city of Medina, ash-Shaykh Al-Allama 'Ubaid bin' Abdillah bin Sulaiman Al-Jäbiry hafizhahulläh replied: "It is forbidden, because it includes tasyabbuh with animals. But many among the Muslims who are affected by cases that lower odd according to the shari'ah, reason and nature like this. This is because he spends his time to attend a series of pornographic films through video or television is broken. A Muslim man is obliged to honor his wife and he should not touch her except in accordance with God's command. If he deals with it apart from the place God made lawful for him then classified beyond the limits and engage in immoral Allah and His Messenger sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam. "
(Quoted from An-Nashihah Magazine, vol. 10 / 1427H / 2006M, title: Law "Oral Sex", p. 3. copied from
This is the answer to the scholars who in his knowledge of the religion of Islam that straight this, the scholars who do not follow the passions. Bukakankah we were told to ask the scholars, Allah says, "Ask the Experts Science if you do not know"
To answer no.1 indeed the man who aroused penis or cock will experience an erection and if it continues to inflame the long run will issue a madzi, (sticky clear liquid that comes out when it appeared lust) as well as women are aroused, her vagina will be out madzi. And if a wife suck the penis of her husband then her mouth would be exposed to water madzi her husband. Likewise, a husband who licks her pussy eating her mouth would be exposed madzi. It is a reality, whether they realize it or not when madzi out. And Madzi is unclean. A Muslim should feel disgusted with the filth. And should cleanse himself of unclean. But those who go beyond the limits of oral sex offender circles, which memperturukan their lusts, they actually drink / swallow. Whereas treatment with eating or drinking unclean it is forbidden in the religion of Islam Hanif this.
To answer no. 2 Tasyabuh with animals. I do not know whether the dog had oral sex? But I know that the kampong, if people are being mated sheep, then I saw the ram will kiss and lick vagina ewes. The aim is to stimulate / induce lust and lust. And is not one of the purposes of oral sex is also like that ?. Humans are different from animals. Humans have fitroh, basic values, manners and disgust. While animals do not have it. A Muslim is also different from the unbelievers and the west. Islam is perfectly regulates all human affairs, the waste water ordinances and ordinances intercourse is also regulated in Islam. Whereas other religions do not.
To answer true no.3, oral sex is a lower Yanga odd according to the shari'ah, reason and human nature. A husband's penis is in the vagina where his wife, when placed in the mouth then this is something strange and odd. The mouth is used to read the Qur'an and dhikr (prayer) and then used for oral sex issued unclean then this is something that low. Sense and human nature that has not been broken will feel disgusted with oral sex. Oral sex entered the midst of the Muslims of course because of the circulation of pornographic films and videos, television shows damaged, novels or short stories which are all oriented slob of Westerners and infidels. A husband must honor and respect his wife, and a wife also should honor her husband, such as by placing his cock and rosulnya place that Allah commanded that pubic partner. When placing the pubic at places other than Allah made lawful for him then classified excesses and immorality.
Third: Doing sex relationship with our husband or wife is kosher and worth worship. While the people who perform oral sex is illegal and immoral worth. Is not Allah Almighty says, "And do not confuse the rights mixed with falsehood, and do not hide that it is right, for you know" ( 42)
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