Heaven is one of the signs of God's power that only exists in the afterlife. Therefore the existence merupaan unseen matter that must be believed by every Muslim. Because the existence of heaven and hell have been described in many verses of the Qur'an and the hadiths of the Prophet shallallahu'alaihi wa sallam.
Heaven existence is already evident in many of the proposition, but it does not mention clearly anyone who will go to heaven but with a general proposition, and for certain people. As in a hadeeth, that a man who will go to heaven the first time is the Prophet shallallahu'alaihi wa sallam.
From Anas bin Malik that the Messenger shallallahu'alaihi radhiyallahu'anhu wa sallam said:
"I am a prophet most followers on the Day of Judgment. And I was the man who first knocked on the door of heaven. "[HR. Muslim 136]
In another hadith mentioned that the guardian angels of Heaven instructed not to open the door of heaven except the Prophet Muhammad entered first, then the people Salih thereafter.
First lady occupant of Heaven
If the foregoing argument explains who will go to heaven first of the group of men, then what groups of women?
Some time ago, you may have heard or even read their own, many news sites reported that the first woman named Muti'ah the heavenly host. Mentioned in the story, Mutiah go to heaven because of his obedience to the husband.
In a story that is not mentioned memoirs say that Mutiah visited a woman, Fatima bint Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam was he carrying small children. Mutiah not accept Fatimah because carrying a boy, because her husband did not allow her to meet with men.
Because the practice of obedience to the husband that causes Mutiah became the first female inhabitants of heaven after Khadijah radhiyallahu'anha.
A devoted wife to her husband is a noble act like those of Mutiah. However, it does not indicate that the inhabitants of heaven Mutiah first because no hadeeth which explain it.
Four Women Leaders Expert Heaven
No hadith clearly shows the order of women get into heaven, but there is a hadith stating there are four women, including those who go to heaven first. Who are these women?
"Leaders of women of Paradise are four: Mary bintu Imran, Fatimah bintu Rasulillah sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, Khadijah bintu Khuwailid, and Assia." [HR. Hakim 4853]
Hadith is considered authentic by Adh Dhahabi. If Mutiah is an expert paradise initial entry of course his name will be mentioned in the hadith. While there is no hadith which clearly states the heavenly host of a group of women who enter the first except the hadeeth of 'Aisha radhiyallahu'anha above.
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