Apples are one of the fruits that have benefits to neutralize sugar levels so as to reduce and prevent the risk of diabetes. Sweet levels contained in apples can become the most serious diseases repellent and attack those who have unhealthy lifestyles. As well as the two sides of a coin to health, apple also may be toxins that harm your body. It was related to apple seeds that contain ingredients harmful to your body.
Perhaps you often hear parents advised their children not to eat apple seeds because it will grow in his stomach. The joke is not true, but sometimes you have to know the relationship that apples can cause poisoning if you eat the seeds.
Raw apple with skin contains protein, Vitamin A, C, D, E, K, B6, B12, Thiamin, Riboflavin, Niacin, Folate, Pantothenic Acid, Choline, Betaine, Mineral, Calcuim, Iron, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Potassium, Sodium, Zinc, Copper, Manganese, Selenium and Fluoride be dangerous if you take it directly with seeds. Seeds of apples contain substances called cyanogenic glycosides are compounds which contain cyanide which can cause health problems if consumed in very high amounts. Apple seeds not only seeds containing cyanide, as well as seeds of peaches, apricots, cherries, and raspberries. Perhaps you are wondering why this time did not become a serious hazard when consumed one or two apple seeds you consume unintentionally?
Cyanogenic glycosides, as the name implies containing cyanide attached to the sugar molecule. When these compounds act on the enzyme, the sugar molecule is cleaved into inactive leave toxins known as cyanide. The truth is that if you eat an apple seed in bulk, apple seeds will poison your body but in many cases, the seeds pass through the digestive system without releasing large amounts of cyanide unless you chew an apple seed so that it will easily release toxins in the body.
Some toxins released from apple seeds so that your body has the ability to neutralize small amounts of cyanide, and you probably will not have a serious effect unless you eat an apple seed in very high amounts. This does not apply for small children due to digestive ability is still limited to the possibility of increased risk of poisoning than adults. Do not forget to always throw an apple seed when you give to your child.
Type of symptoms will develop if you eat an apple seed is that you may experience neurological symptoms including seizures, headaches, dizziness, and headache as well as fluctuations in heart rate, respiratory rate, and blood pressure. Vomiting and excessive salivation can occur. If you consume large quantities of seeds you may experience severe breathing problems followed by respiratory failure and death.
So it can be concluded if you swallow an apple seed in limited numbers as only one will not make any accidental poisoning in the body. Not that you do not give at all because the content apple apple has many benefits for your health even if you have to remain vigilant when giving your child.
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